Amber Balcaen Racing Core Values

  1. Believe in the dream
      • Believe in what you’re doing and the bigger purpose behind it. Believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve everything you want. Believe you deserve to live the life of your dreams. Sell your dream to yourself and those working with you.
  1. Have fun & think big
      • Remember to always have fun, when you’re having fun, you will do better and enjoy it more. Don’t take life too seriously. Think big – the only limitations are the ones you set upon yourself. You are capable of more than you can even imagine. 
  1. Be impactful & intentional
      • You want to be a legend and leave a legacy. This means everything you do needs to be intentional and impactful. You have a responsibility to leave a positive impact on the racing industry, in business, and in life. How do you want to be remembered?
  1. Relationships first
      • Strengthen and build all business and personal relationships, as that’s the key to success in all areas. Build new relationships and strengthen old. Life is nothing without the people in it.
  1. Be disciplined (Excellence)
      • Dreams cannot be built without disciplined action. The life you want can not be created without disciplined thoughts. Be disciplined with thoughts, actions, daily habits, in racing, in business and all areas of life. Disciplines breeds action which breeds confidence. Discipline is the #1 attribute to self-confidence. Keep the promises you make to yourself and others.
  1. Always be learning & improving (Growth)
      • Use every day as an opportunity to learn and improve. Read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, research your industry, develop new and current skills. Always be looking for ways to improve yourself.
  1. Show appreciation & gratitude
      • Being grateful for what you have will bring more of what you want. Show genuine appreciation and gratitude for all the things/people you have to be thankful for in your life every day, both big and small. 
  1. Personal accountability
      • Take personal accountability in everything you do. You are the only one accountable for your life and your actions and habits. Lead with honestly and integrity. No Excuses mentality.
  1. Take initiative
      • Take initiative in every aspect of life. Be a leader. No one is going to do the work for you. Go the extra mile and know the power of “one more”. 

10. Lead by example

      • Be the change you want to see in the world. Be kind, do good. Walk the talk.