She could be the next Danica. But for now, she’s stuck driving an old Mazda mini SUV

Amber Balcaen, a Canadian race car driver is in NC on an athlete visa but struggling to make it as a professional driver here. She’s hoping that landing a supporting role on CMT’s “Racing Wives” — will help get the attention of potential sponsors. Read more here: Click Here

Amber Balcaen: The Underdog of NASCAR

Amber Balcaen: The Underdog of NASCAR NASCAR and women are not synonymous; not yet anyway. But there’s a woman, Amber Balcaen, who hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba who’s working her absolute hardest to change that. She is the only Canadian to compete in the 2014 and 2016 NASCAR Drive for Diversity Combine and the 2015 Bill McAnally Racing […]